Attention All Mentees: Find Your Ideal Mentor

We understand that finding a qualified mentor isn’t easy, so that’s where AYCA comes into the process. Allow us to help you on your search to find the right mentor for your career-building needs. Complete the form below and we will get in touch with you soon.

Along with being very curious, a successful mentee must be a learner, open to taking advice and of course, acting on this advice in order to show growth. You also understand that your mentor’s time is very valuable and here at AYCA we want to make sure that both mentor and mentees use the mentorship time wisely.

A great mentee comes prepared with a long list of questions and arrives at each meeting willing to listen and learn. Are you one of these people?

Of course, AYCA wants to help. We have a multi-pronged strategy to help nurture the mentor-mentee relationship by firstly, helping both parties commit to each other, develop some level of trust, help formulate goals, create guidelines for roles and responsibilities and finally collaborate on achieving tangible results.

Firstly, flip through our top 10 tips for prospective mentees and then complete the form below. Please allow a week for us to reply as we carefully review all the applications. We will get in touch with you soon.

  • In order to sustain the mentoring relationship, take the initiative to ask your mentor a question, to let him or her know your educational and professional interests and objectives, and to ask about his/her own experiences.

    Mentees must take initiative

  • Your mentor probably has a very demanding job. He or she has volunteered to take on the added responsibility of mentoring. Please be appreciative of your mentor’s time and investment; respond in a timely manner to your mentor's questions and comments. If you don't have the time to respond at length, send a short message letting this person know you will be in contact when you have the opportunity.

    Mentees must honor their commitment to the process

  • Tell your mentor how she/he can be most helpful to you.

    Help Your Mentor Help You

  • You can expect a certain level of support and advice from a mentor, but he or she can't solve your problems for you. Perhaps the most valuable quality a mentor can offer is an alternative point of view. A mentor can put the situation in perspective, offer feedback, serve as a sounding board, and identify others whose brain you might pick or activities you can engage in or small ways you can position your work to meet your goals as well as resources that may be helpful to you.

    Expect Support, Not Miracles.

  • Initiate contact with your mentor if you have questions or would like to discuss something. Identify your needs and communicate them as clearly as possible to your mentor. It may be helpful to put some focused energy into organizing your thoughts and concerns before talking to your mentor, so that the time is spent wisely.

    Communicate clearly.

  • Be willing to learn new things, obtain another perspective, and be responsive to suggestions and constructive criticism.

    Be Teachable.

  • Work hard at being a good mentee.

    Keep Up Your End.

  • When you decide to act on your mentor’s suggestions, act in a timely manner and then report back to him/her.

    Follow Through.

  • Are there any days you know that you'll be offline or ultra-busy? If so...let the other person know, so that if s/he doesn't hear from you, she knows it's because you're away or you're swamped.

    Look ahead at your calendar.

  • Get in touch with your mentor before a concern becomes a problem.

    Correct Misunderstanding When They Happen.

A mentor is someone who allows you to see the hope inside yourself.

— Oprah Winfrey