We Support Local At-Risk Communities

Support for Communities

When one part of the body aches, the whole body aches.

The last several years, our community has witnessed an influx of refugees coming from all around the world. Families arrive with very little in hand, often having faced intense trauma. AYCA has been here to support the transition to their new homes.

By 2016, more Syrian refugees had immigrated to San Diego than any other metropolitan area in the United States. Many came with hopes and dreams to resettle and restart their lives, to find good jobs, provide their children a chance at a good education, and live life safely. To support their resettlement, AYCA raised funds to help refugees start their new life in the United States. We were able to provide new housewares to families and support services as well.

In 2021, a new surge of immigrants began to arrive suddenly from Afghanistan. Many came with nothing but the clothes on their backs. These refugees were very eager to begin anew. Majority of those that came had large families consisting of young children. AYCA again raised funds, this time to buy 40+ families laptops. These laptops will help children and youth complete their studies and equally help their parents gain steady footing to look for jobs.

AYCA has striven to help local at risk communities have a chance at success.