Our Vision

Student focusing during an AYCA SAT course

Educators and mentors change lives.

Diversity is the word that best describes the Association of Youth & Community Advancement (AYCA).

Whether culturally or professionally, our membership diversity allows us to have an unmatched perspective when it comes to helping our youth develop into future community leaders.

We offer youth across the county enrichment opportunities. From fun & inspiring day camps to a summer SAT course, there is literally something for everyone. Along with free after-school tutoring sessions, we also help youth match up with local mentors to give them a head start on planning their future careers!

Simply put, our youth are the future and offering guidance toward critical tools to success is our central goal. At this very moment, there are future civic leaders, doctors, lawyers, architects, programmers, and engineers scratching their heads about education and career opportunities! AYCA wants to help them!

AYCA Board of Directors