Setting Up Mentor-Mentee Relationship For Success

There’s no denying that mentoring as a practice is an incredibly valuable experience essential for growth and development of youth. Obviously, this growth and development at first occurs on a very personal level, but the long-term effects of this unique mentor-mentee relationship ripple through societies, creating a network effect that will benefit individuals and communities at large for decades.

This is why it is critical that the foundation of the mentor-mentee relationship occur within the confines of a safe and supportive environment—a place that such relationships can thrive. This is where AYCA wants to play a critical role. We aspire to be this safe and supportive environment where both mentor and mentee can engage in building trust, setting goals and achieving them through creative problem solving.

  • Need help finding a mentor? Let us help you!

    We want to welcome all prospective mentees. It takes a special type of person to ask for help—to show vulnerability by saying, “I want help in making the best decision for my future career; I want to learn from someone who has more experience.”

    Successful mentees are open to exploring different paths and perspectives, obtaining feedback—and most importantly of all, acting on the feedback! AYCA wants to help connect you with a suitable mentor, so apply today.

  • Do you want to become a AYCA mentor? Apply here.

    Becoming a strong mentor will take practice and AYCA will do all we can to help you along, but the first step to becoming a mentor is to have that special desire that compels you to share with another person all that you’ve learned over a long career of hard-learned lessons.

    Ultimately, AYCA wants to have a strong cadre of qualified mentors who want to help prospective mentees grow their skills, gain new perspectives on their lives and careers and most importantly, make better decisions along the way. Help AYCA change lives—apply to become a mentor today!

“If I have seen further it is by standing on the shoulders of giants.” — Isaac Newton