AYCA Raising Funds For Remote Learning Devices

As we all battle the pandemic, I think it is safe to say that the battles we each face aren't on a level playing field. A series of startling statistics from the National Center for Education Statistics was cited by USAFacts earlier this spring.

“Among children ages 3-18, 17% live in households without a laptop or desktop computer. At least 11 million students don't have a computer for online learning at all, in addition to those that may need to share a single device with siblings. Lack of access to home internet or a computer increases for lower-income students." USAFacts

While healthcare professionals are busy battling the actual disease in hospitals and nursing homes around the country, community-focused non-profits around the nation are tasked with fighting a long list of other battles---whether they are rooted in mental health issues or pandemic-induced economic disparities (these inequalities were already present---the pandemic just made us more aware of them!). One particular disparity is at the heart of remote learning: a lack of critical devices for children in homes with multiple siblings.

This is where AYCA comes into play. We deal with youth---it's in our organization's name! We are blessed to have an established network of teachers and parents who have a very deep understanding of the youth within our immediate community. They understand which families might be struggling more than others and therefore AYCA is in a unique position to help in a highly effective manner.

This is where your generosity comes into play! We are planning to purchase remote learning devices like laptops and tablets to donate to schools that are currently experiencing a severe shortage. Once this project is completed in the coming weeks, we will do a full update on how the devices were distributed.

Please donate generously to this cause.

Let's help level the playing field!


Mental Health Presentation From AYCA's Building Resilience Event


Upcoming Talk: Building Resilience & Managing Mental Health During COVID-19