Our Afternoon With Shaykha Dr. Haifaa Younis Was An Absolute Delight

Nearly 125 San Diegans welcomed Jannah Institute’s Shaykha Dr. Haifaa Younis for her beautiful and memorable talk at the Islamic Center of San Diego.

The topic of discussion was Communication Within The Family: Closing The Generation Gap — a topic that definitely resonated deeply everyone in attendance because Dr. Younis generously decided to stay an extra hour to answer the nearly 50 questions that were submitted during the Q/A session.

On behalf of AYCA and ICSD, we would like to thank all those you attended (physically and on the livestream) in support. Please consider making a donation to both organizations to help cover expenses of future similar events.

And for those of you who might have missed the event, you can always watch it directly below. Also, we have included photos from the event. All credit goes to AYCA board member Haneen Oriqat for taking the wonderful photos.


AYCA & ICSD Invite You To A Special Talk With Shaykha Dr. Haifaa Younis - Communication Within The Family: Closing The Generation Gap