AYCA Video Series: How Has Covid Changed You? Amena Gives Her Tips...

These are undoubtedly difficult times, but even though it is one year into the pandemic, we are all still trying to make sense of this life-changing experience.

With that said, AYCA is starting a new video series in which we attempt to explore the wide array of experiences people in different walks of life are going through in order to obtain little golden nuggets of wisdom.

Our goal with this series is to build a level of empathy among members in our community in hopes to let people in difficult situations know that they aren't alone! These are tough times and we must lean on each other--even if it's virtually--for support.

Many thanks to all of you who are sending in videos!

Let's kick off the series with first year college student Amena. As if transitioning to college isn't already a life-changing shift, the 18-year-old remains mostly positive during these tense COVID times. She gives helpful tips on how to focus and stay on track during pandemic learning.


AYCA Asks: How Has Covid Changed You? Jalil Speaks of Stress...


60 Laptops Purchased Through AYCA's Remote Learning Fundraiser