60 Laptops Purchased Through AYCA's Remote Learning Fundraiser

Before we review the details of our fundraising efforts, AYCA would like to thank each and everyone of you who supported our last minute dash for remote learning devices! This was no easy task since there's currently a big shortage of devices around the country. At a time when it feels only bad news gets highlighted, we want to confirm that there's also a tremendous amount of love and generosity in the air. May your donations be multiplied many times over! Ameen!

A special shout-out to AYCA Treasurer Abdullah Tahiri for pulling together a very quick fundraising effort. If it wasn't for him keeping us motivated, pulling this off within a two week time frame would have been all but impossible. And of course, many thanks also to Team AYCA for volunteering their time and effort to help raise the funds.

Now, let's go over some numbers.

Total Raised: $5752.00

Total Spent: $6002.00

Items purchased: 60 Lenovo Yoga laptops and 60 mice.

With many thanks to AYCA Secretary Zuhal Shaker, she worked tirelessly trying to find a vendor who had a large quantity of laptops in stock! Ultimately she connected with local vendor Computers2Kids SD who agreed to offer a very generous 1 year warranty for each laptop---replacing it if necessary. Each laptop comes with the essential software, camera and microphone to facilitate remote learning.

Delivery of the laptops will take place in the coming days and we will share some photos thereafter. Again, many thanks to everyone involved!


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