Help Support AYCA's Refugee Laptop Fund!

In a perfect world, a new refugee is greeted by a host family who will pick them up at their point of arrival and whisk them away to a waiting refugee resettlement home that is appropriately sized for their family and filled with everything that they will need to start their new lives. Moreover, well-funded government organizations in this perfect world will first provide mental health counseling before enrolling these refugees into local vocational schools where they can learn the new language of the land. A couple months into their new life, these same organizations allow new refugees to have the time and tools to acquire in-demand job skills so they can become strong, tax-paying citizens for generations to come.

Unfortunately that is not the case for new refugees who arrive into the United States in 2021.

Until we get elements of this perfect world in place, local non-profits are left to make ends meet for our new refugee friends. Each organization---regardless of their size or funding level---is trying to do their part. A select few concentrate on the very basics such as housing and food, while others turn their focus to second language acquisition, job searches and education assistance.

Here at AYCA are choosing to focus on getting refugee families one of the most important tools in their New Refugee Toolbox---a family laptop! Just like proper housing, nutritious food and clean water are essential for human survival, a household computer is equally essential to one's survival inside a modern-day society. A laptop will not only help new refugees integrate into local communities, but it will also allow one to accomplish the very basics education for children, or searching and applying for jobs or completing government health & housing assistance forms.

Help us on this critical journey to assist as many local refugee families as we can. Each laptop costs $100. Laptops are fully functional running Windows operating system and powerful enough to accomplish tasks required by new refugees.


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